brightening the lives of seniors

providing companionship to those who are isolated or lonely

What we’re about

Our mission is simple: to brighten the lives of seniors by providing companionship to those who are isolated or lonely, and offering financial and practical support to those in need.

Why we started this organization

In the wake of Covid-19, there is another silent pandemic that has affected tens of thousands of Americans: social isolation, leading to increased loneliness, depression, decreased quality of life, and early death. Over 40 percent of older adults report feeling more alone and depressed after Covid lockdowns. Daughters Calling Home, a nonprofit organization located in Vermont, aims to bring joy back into life, one senior at a time – by providing companionship and support to those in need. We seek to bring cheer to housebound or lonely individuals and a reminder that there is still an important place for them in society.

Services we offer

Financial support; practical support (groceries, house cleaning, etc.); companionship through in-person visits, phone calls, video chats, snail mail letters. We also help connect young people with seniors to promote companionship and a healthy, positive experience for youth to interact with the older generation.

Get involved

Ready to make a lasting difference in someone’s life? Connect with Emily today to volunteer for Daughters Calling Home, or donate to keep this organization running.

We are a registered 501c3 and all donations are tax-deductible.